Examples of events that sell tickets online with Cortex Ticktes
Here you can see some examples of events that are suitable for a online ticket sale with Cortex Tickets.
Major events
Open air concerts

Tha anual open air concert with more then 10.000 visitors sold their tickets for years through the "common booking offices". Since 2011 the promotor also offers an addtional online ticket sale with Cortex Tickets. He's not only vastly increasing the range of his ticket sales, but also profits directly from our cheap and transparent pricing model. He is able to check the admission easily on location with the handheld barcode scanners that Cortex Tickets provided. The small PDAs with the barcode scanner lie comfortably in the hand and in combination with provided the Cortex Tickets software take care of a smooth and stress free admission.
The exhibition site of Ulm attracts all kind of exhibition organizers. After all, the exhibition site is one of most charming venus in all of southern Germany and is bound to have a lasting impression on the visitors. This positive impression was even increased when they started to sell their tickets online using Cortex Tickets. An individual top-level domain, custom layout, own barcode scanner, custom ticket layout – for the right staging we go all the way. By request of the promoter our Cortex Tickets logo can vanish completely from the ticket and the ticket sale page. The exhibition organizer is able to use a cheap, powerful and working system without having to abstain from his own CI.
Smaller events
sports club

The local sports club stages an anual benefit game against their local rival. Because this spectacle attracts guests from the whole region and until now the ticket sale was only handled by the local backery, the sports club was searching for a way to provide a ticket sale for out-of-town customers. The board of the club discovered Cortex Tickets and started an online ticket sale with a few easy clicks. Because the audience can print their tickets comfortable at home the club doesn't have to handle the effort of sending the tickets or receiving the payment.
Village fair
The youth club of a village hosts a big anual party in the local gym. Because the party is very popular there are regularly big queues during the admission. To improve this situation the village youth now also offers tickets through Cortex Tickets. The audience can buy them stress-free from their domestic computer and receive privileged admission on the evening of the event. To check admission the village youth uses an iPhone with our free app. This is as easy as it can get.
Disco event
In a few weeks a world-renowned will preform in a well known large-capacity disco. Because the young target audience of this event is used to handle a lot of things conveniently from their sofa at home, the promoter offers an online ticket sale with Cortex Tickets. The disco attendees can buy their tickets 24/7 from every given location and won't have to fear the rush for tickets at the box office. The admission is handled with a notebook.

The theater club "drama friends" is planing the staging of their newest play. Using their Cortex Tickets online ticket sale it is very easy to showcase all the different performances and sell tickets in different price categories. The ticket contingent can be adjusted indivually for every preformance and category, for example in order to factor in different venues. The club is also able to create free tickets for the local press and invited guests of honour.
Extraordinary Offers
The operator of a restaurant in a suburb of Ulm had a good marketing idea to draw attention to his establishment using the internet: He wanted to sell 10 eating vouchers every weeking using Cortex Tikets. The time of the sale of the voucher is a suprise – What is certain tough: The voucher is much cheaper than paying directly on site. The operator is not only able to attract visitors regularly but is on everyone's lips. Thanks to Cortex Tickets he was able to implement his plan in short order.

For more then 25 years Kurt D. offers private ballon rides alongside his normal profession as a car mechanic. Normally he never had to much to do with the internet, but because he was not reachable by phone during his working hours it became increasingly difficult to coordinate the dates for his rides. Therefor he ventured to enter the internet and is selling 5 balloon rides per week through Cortex Tickets now. The start times are created and presented early through Cortex Tickets and can be bought directly by his fellow passengers.